Monday, April 30, 2012

Tendre, Elancer, Plier, Elever, Sauter, Tourner

Laurie Heath is a fabulous photographer who has been supportive of our organization since the beginning.  She spent time with us early on in the spring to capture candid pictures of our dancers in class. She has been gracious enough to give us the use of these images for A Chance to Dance's use.

The five basic verbs of classical ballet that a dancer learns is the foundation for what they later build upon.  Here they are personfied, in a unique way, by our dancers.

Tendre- to stretch

Plier- to bend

Elever- to raise

Tendu- stretch (as in the foot)

 Sauter- to jump

Tourner- to turn

Here are the basic verbs that ballet terminology lacks.

Hug- to press tightly, especially in the arms

Smile- to make a facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward

 Sparkle-to shine brightly with flashes of light

High-Five: to display a gesture of celebration or greeting in which two people slap each other's palms with their arms raised

Have fun- to have enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure

1 comment:

  1. I. LOVE. THIS. Now I'll have to work really hard not to just steal your post instead of coming up with my own! xo
